HoCo Office of Emergency Management Backpack Emergency Cards (not an event or program, but a free resource for parents)

In case of an emergency, it is important that your child knows how to get in contact with the people that can keep them safe and where to go if they are separated from family. An emergency card in your child's backpack will give them, or a teacher, a quick tool to understand who to call for your child when emergencies occur or where the family emergency meeting spaces are located. 

The best way to fill out these cards is together with your children! Make them a part of the process, and make sure they are confident in where to go and who to call. Then place a copy in your child's backpack and your own bag/wallet to have a handy reminder of who to contact if an emergency occurs

Cost (if applicable)
No cost. We give away these cards for free. The physical ones have a QR code that if you scan, it takes you to the instructions. The card and instructions are also available on our website at https://www.howardcountymd.gov/emergency-management/readyhoco.
Contact Information
Lauren Chilton