Virtual Administrative Support Organization Touch4Life Ages Adult The administrative responsibilities include a commitment and understanding of the mission of... more
Teen Advisory Council Meeting (8th to 12th grade) Organization Teen Advisory Council Meetings- HC DrugFree Ages Middle school, High school FREE online monthly meetings open to Howard County students in grades 8-12. HC DrugFree's next Teen... more
Hope for the Holidays: QPR Training Series Organization Mental Health Association of Maryland Ages Adult The holiday season is often seen as a time of joy and celebration, yet for many, it can also be a... more
Discover Squash – Junior Squash Clinics & Match Plays Organization SQUASH INSPIRE INC Ages K-5th grade, Middle school, High school Are you ready to dive into squash, one of the fastest-growing sports in the U.S.? Known for its... more
Junior Squash Clinics & Match Plays Organization SQUASH INSPIRE INC Ages K-5th grade, Middle school, High school Are you ready to explore squash, the fastest-growing U.S. sport known for its unique blend of... more
Howard County Food Bank Organization Community Action Council of Howard County Ages Special Education, Birth to Pre-K, K-5th grade, Middle school, High school, Adult The Community Action Council of Howard County (CAC) provides access to nutritious food through the... more
NFRC Clinical Programs: Support groups; KidsConnex educational program; individual and family therapy Organization National Family Resiliency Center, Inc. Ages Special Education, Birth to Pre-K, K-5th grade, Middle school, High school, Adult The National Family Resiliency Center (NFRC) is a Comprehensive Mental Health Center Offering an... more